منتديات اغليتك منتديات عامة اخبار اوربا As? es 'Stay', la canci?n de Lituania para Eurovisi?n 2023: letra y videoclip
Reem Senior Member

Ya est? todo listo para que empiece el festival de la canci?n m?s esperado: Eurovisi?n 2023. En el certamen, treinta y siete pa?ses trataran de alzarse con el micr?fono de cristal en Liverpool, ante la atenta mirada de millones de eurofans que ya han empezado la cuenta atr?s esperando el 13 de mayo.

M?s informaci?n (Auto)

T?tulo noticia (Auto)

A pocos d?as de la final, la batalla musical comienza. La misma semana del evento se disputar?n las dos semfinales: el martes 7 y jueves 9 que determinar?n qué pa?ses acompa?ar?n al Big Five y Ucrania en la gran final del concurso. Todo el evento podr? seguirse ?ntegramente por La 1 de RTVE.

Lituania*no parte entre las favoritas para esta edici?n. De hecho, los expertos no le auguran un buen resultado por lo que una clasificaci?n para la gran final del S?bado ser?a una magn?fica noticia para la delegaci?n lituana.

Lo har? con 'Stay', una emotiva balada que buscar? calar en los corazones de los eurofans para dar 'el sorpasso' y colarse en la final del s?bado.

Videoclip de 'Monika Linkyt?' - 'Stay'

Letra de 'Monika Linkyt?' - 'Stay'

I've carried sadness with me

I hid it well since sixteen

And all the crying, all the fighting

You kept putting out the fire

That burned so bright within me

As I look back through all these years

To broken dreams, disguising fear

Being someone that I'm really not

Now I am drowning in my bed

And life has gone out of my hands

Happiness seems further than the moon

Just stay with me

My heart is bleeding

I need your healing

Wait for me

Well, it ain't easy

To love someone like me

My heart is beating, my heart is beating

My heart is beating, finally, my heart is beating

My heart is beating, my heart is beating

My heart is beating, finally, my heart is beating

I took it all on myself

I asked for nobody's help

Had to taste it and embrace it

All the bitterness of failure

To find myself within me

Just stay with me

My heart is bleeding

I need your healing

Wait for me

Well, it ain't easy

To love someone like me

My heart is beating, my heart is beating

My heart is beating, finally, my heart is beating

My heart is beating, my heart is beating

My heart is beating, finally, my heart is beating

Just stay, just stay, ooh

?i?to t?to

?i?to t?to

?i?to t?to

?i?to t?to

?i?to t?to

?i?to t?to

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