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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : As? es 'What They Say', la canci?n de Grecia para Eurovisi?n 2023: letra y videoclip

05-10-2023, 01:12 PM
Ya est? todo listo para que empiece el festival de la canci?n m?s esperado: Eurovisi?n 2023 (https://www.sport.es/es/temas/eurovision-1019734). En el certamen, treinta y siete pa?ses trataran de alzarse con el micr?fono de cristal en Liverpool, ante la atenta mirada de millones de eurofans que ya han empezado la cuenta atr?s esperando el 13 de mayo.

M?s informaci?n (Auto)

http://placehold.it/175x100 T?tulo noticia (Auto)

A pocos d?as de la final, la batalla musical comienza. La misma semana del evento se disputar?n las dos semfinales (https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/television/eurovision-2023-fechas-horarios-semifinales-final-dv-86768563): el martes 7 y jueves 11 que determinar?n qué pa?ses acompa?ar?n al Big Five y Ucrania en la gran final del concurso. Todo el evento podr? seguirse ?ntegramente por La 1 de RTVE.

Grecia defiende Eurovisi?n 2023 con 'What They Say'

El representante m?s joven de esta edici?n llega a Liverpool para dejar claro 'lo que ellos dicen'. Victor Vernicos, con tan solo 16 a?os es el representante de Grecia en Eurovisi?n 2023. Con una balada mid tempo, que él mismo ha compuesto, una melod?a intimista acompa?ada de guitarra que se llev? la plaza a través del proceso de selecci?n de la cadena griega.

Vernicos recoge el testigo de Amanda Tenfjord, la representante griega en 2022, que emocion? al p?blico con 'Die Together' y consigui? el octavo puesto para Grecia. Fue el segundo a?o que el pa?s heleno volvi? al top 10 de Eurovisi?n. Ahora es el turno de Victor Vernicos, que actuar? en la*Segunda Semifinal este jueves donde el p?blico espa?ol tendr? la oportunidad de votar.

Videoclip de 'What They Say' - Victor Vernicos

Letra de 'What They Say' - Victor Vernicos

Late August

Feet start to shake heart starts to ache

Can’t focus

Panic, I lay on the floor and I hate that I’m holding on

My lung will break can’t stop to make

My mind up

Time starts to rain clouds not afraid

Of the pain they giving

Anxious to where I’m breathing

Can’t say that I am longing for

Another day to break my spirit

Insane and I can’t tell who’s winning

Wish this was something I could just ignore

Well, you know What They Say (ooh)

Lost souls make sure no one loses their way

Hurt ones can’t stand seein’ others in pain

Oh, I am both now I got too much on my plate

And I save all the others, cause for me, it’s too

Nostalgic mind

I miss the days when my heart wouldn’t ache and

I’m drowning, time

Quicksand of life, we don’t live to die

Now I’m tryna, fight

All of the lights that leave me so blind

As a writer

But I’m not an actor, no, I don’t live my own

Life and I hate my feelings

I’m overwhelmed and heated

Can’t say that I am longing for

Another day to break my spirit

Insane and I can tell who’s winning

Wish this was something I could just ignore

Well, you know What They Say (ooh)

Lost souls make sure no one loses their way

Hurt ones can’t stand seeing others in pain

Oh, I am both now I got too much on my plate

And I save all the others, cause for me, it’s too

Well, you know What They Say (ooh)

Lost souls make sure no one loses their way

Hurt ones can’t stand seeing others in pain

Oh, I am both now I got too much on my plate

And I save all the others cause for me, it’s too

I'll save all the others 'cause for me, it's too late

Well, you know what they say (ooh)

Let's all make sure no one loses their way

I almost can't stand seeing others in pain

I am bold, now I got too much on my plate

And I'll save all the others, 'cause for me, it's too— (ooh)

Let's all make sure no one loses their way

I almost can't stand seeing others in pain

I am bold, now I got too much on my plate

And I'll save all the others 'cause for me, it's too late

أكثر... (https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/fuera-de-juego/what-they-say-cancion-grecia-dv-87159899)

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