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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : As? es 'Tell Me More', la canci?n de Azerbaiy?n para Eurovisi?n 2023: letra y videocl

05-09-2023, 12:23 PM
Ya est? todo listo para que empiece el festival de la canci?n m?s esperado: Eurovisi?n 2023 (https://www.sport.es/es/temas/eurovision-1019734). En el certamen, treinta y siete pa?ses trataran de alzarse con el micr?fono de cristal en Liverpool, ante la atenta mirada de millones de eurofans que ya han empezado la cuenta atr?s esperando el 13 de mayo.

M?s informaci?n (Auto)

http://placehold.it/175x100 T?tulo noticia (Auto)

A pocos d?as de la final, la batalla musical comienza. La misma semana del evento se disputar?n las dos semfinales (https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/television/eurovision-2023-fechas-horarios-semifinales-final-dv-86768563): el martes 7 y jueves 11 que determinar?n qué pa?ses acompa?ar?n al Big Five y Ucrania en la gran final del concurso. Todo el evento podr? seguirse ?ntegramente por La 1 de RTVE.

Azerbaiy?n*no parte entre las favoritas para esta edici?n. De hecho,*los expertos no le auguran un buen resultado por lo que una clasificaci?n para la gran final del S?bado*ser?a una magn?fica noticia para la delegaci?n azerbaiyana.

Lo har? con 'Tell Me More', una balada 'indie' que luchar? contra el ambiente festivalero del concurso y tratar? de diferenciarse para evitar su pronta eliminaci?n.

Videoclip de 'Tell Me More' - TuralTuranX

Letra de 'Tell Me More' - TuralTuranX

Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system

Please record your message

Ah, I don't know where you are

Or what you're up to

I kinda miss you girl right now

You know the old bass and stuff?

I want you to be here, with me

Just call me back when you get this message okay?



Tell me more about me, you, us

Tell me you love me baby

More than I trust

And I just want to know

How do you feel about us

Right now?


I don't know you found someone or someone is me

I'm running from the fate and I'm giving up my dream

I'm carrying all the pain and the sorrow that's in vain

All the games you think I'm playing are my ways of staying sane

I shout it from the heels up high

I've nothing, only tears to cry

If I ever learn again to feel the way I did

I'll die from the emotions that I kept down for years, baby



Tell me more about me, you, us

Tell me you love me baby

More than I trust

And I just want to know

How do you feel about us

Right now?


I want to buy a land a thousand miles away

From a city that I've never even chosen

I think the reason why is all because of people who treat you like a fool

And make you wonder for the reason

But now is the time I'm passing by the streets

And the places that we used to go to

We thought we'd be back pretty soon, but never did

This is between you and me, gets so damn more


Let me tell you one thing baby

It may change your all thoughts about us

You want me to worry again, too

So, let me tell you if you're ready

Hear me out, baby: let's go crazy

I have something that you're looking for

And that is love





Tell me more about me, you, us

Tell me you love me baby

More than I trust

And I just want to know

How do you feel about us

Right now?

Recuerda que podr?s*seguir*las ?ltimas*noticias de*Eurovisi?n y los resultados del concurso en directo*a través de la web de SPORT.

أكثر... (https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/fuera-de-juego/tell-more-cancion-azerbaiyan-eurovision-dv-87097777)